Shorba Bone Broth, Fertility and IVF

Why You Should Integrate Bone Broth Into Your IVF Journey

Whether you’re contemplating pregnancy or have already begun your journey in fertility, you might be surprised to learn that bone broth can be of major benefit to your process and overall success.

You’ve heard us say before that the key to various aspects of health can be the overall health of your gut and its nutritional intake. The balance of bodily function and hormones which contribute to your fertility is no exception to such assistance. 

According to Allison Locke, a BC-based Health Practitioner, it’s recommended that women optimize their hormones, regulate their menstrual cycles and support healthy egg quality through diet and lifestyle modifications up to at least three months pre-conception. 

“Preconception care is so important when it comes to trying to conceive naturally or when undergoing an IVF cycle. Bone broth is such a wonderful component to a preconception plan!”

To further assist our broth community in their fertility efforts, we’re grateful to have had the opportunity to interview Allison to gain further insight into reaching pregnancy success through nutrition, hormone balance and well-being with the aid of bone broth. 

How did you first come to integrate bone broth into your practice? 

I first learned about the health benefits of bone broth while in school for Traditional Chinese Medicine. The importance of warm, nourishing, and nutrient-dense foods was something I learned about which was so different from the Western-based philosophy of nutrition which focused mainly on calories! 

Focusing more on the quality of foods and how they make you feel really broadened my understanding of nutrition and resonated so much more deeply. Diet therapy has become a huge portion of my practice and how I work with my patients. 

What was the Shorba appeal for you in comparison to other recommended meal products?

I love that Shorba Bone Broth is based in Ayurveda and contains Ayurvedic herbs and spices, making it not only an incredibly gut-healing, nutrient-rich bone broth but also medicinally therapeutic! 

How does broth improve the process, progress or results of your clients?

There’s no denying the bioavailability of the vitamins and minerals in animal products, and in moderation, they have an incredibly potent impact on gut health, inflammation, and fertility!

In your work supporting clients with their fertility, how do you find there is a positive or beneficial intersection between broth integration and IVF? How do you manage to position this to clients, especially those who may not have expected such a recommendation?

I think a lot of fertility patients are used to cutting things out of their diet. Reducing caffeine, alcohol, sugar, processed foods, etc. And there’s a lot of confusion about what we’re supposed to add in. A huge missing piece in a lot of my patients’ diets is consuming enough protein and nutrient-rich foods. 

Protein is so important because it becomes the building blocks to make so many important things in the body! It’s also a key factor in ensuring healthy blood sugar – which is extremely important for hormone balance and reducing inflammation, which is the number one detriment to egg quality. 

That’s why I love Shorba Bone Broth so much because it has such high levels of protein plus the added benefits of anti-inflammatory herbs.

What has been some of the feedback you’ve received from clients regarding using broth in their IVF journey?

I generally see patients who consume good quality animal products like grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, liver, sardines, oysters, and bone broth have more success with IVF cycles as well as easier pregnancies. 

About Allison Locke

Allison is a licensed Acupuncturist and a registered member of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia. She has specialized training in treating fertility and reproductive health.

Allison is also a health coach and integrative health practitioner, a fellow of the American Acupuncture and TCM Board of Reproductive Medicine (ABORM), a member of the Obstetrical Acupuncture Association (OBAA), a Certified Laser Technician (CLT), and a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200).

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