Fall into Wellness - Building Grounding Habits in the Autumn Season

Fall into Wellness – Building Grounding Habits in the Autumn Season

At Shorba, we’re all about cultivating good grounding habits and nourishing both mind and body, setting you up for success anytime in the year.

As the fall chill fills the air and the leaves are about to turn, the transition from summer to fall brings a sense of change and motivation comparable to the habits of making new years’ resolutions. We suddenly get our second (or third, or fourth) wind on what we want out of the year and feel this natural invitation to reflect, reset and establish better routines. 

From an Ayurvedic perspective, fall is Vata season, a time for balancing imbalances like anxiety, restlessness and digestive issues brought on by summer hotness, dryness, sweating and sun exposure. 

Here are some tips for how to take advantage of the transitional season that is autumn and balance your Vata.

Slow Down and Savor

Fall is the season for slowing down, think of it as nature’s invitation to match its rhythm. We’re going from long, active days of summer to short fall days that come with cozier evenings.

Grab your current candles, or treat yourself to a trip to your favourite shop for a new fall scent, curl up in your chair with a good book or enjoy that show you’ve been waiting to binge with a mug of relaxing broth. 

Nourish from Within

Healthy habits come with providing your body with the proper fuel. Our bone broth is rich in essential nutrients like collagen, proteins and amino acids. These elements are extracted in our slow simmering process to best support your gut, which plays a powerful role in your overall functioning and well-being. 

This nourishment is best enjoyed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, allowing for optimal absorption and giving your internal organs and cells the building blocks needed to move, heal and reset. 

Grounding Your Food Routine

Not only will incorporating warm, grounding foods balance your Vata this fall, these ingredients will add more flavour and nutrition to your autumn recipes, which likely differ from the frequent meals you’d consume during the hot, outdoorsy summer.

Recommended grounding foods include beets, carrots, and sweet potatoes, as these root vegetables are full of necessary vitamins and good carbohydrates.

For an extra spoonful of warmth and nourishment, consider spices like cinnamon, ginger and turmeric. 

Prioritize Sleep 

Our days are getting shorter. Accept daylight savings’ informal invitation to incorporate and enjoy more quality rest and relaxation. We know it can be hard to choose rest when it can often feel like you should be doing something more productive, but a well-rested mind and body is essential for maintaining focus, managing stress and emotions, doing quality work or activity and achieving work-life-you balance.

Need a little assistance getting to sleep? Our broths contain glycine, which regulates your nervous system and promotes deep, restorative sleep without the morning after grog and fog of other sleep aids. Read more on broth, glycine and sleep here.

Hit the Reset Button

Want a full reset before you transition into your fall routines or activities? 

Our Reset Program provides a guided approach to kickstarting your autumn wellness routines. We provide you with all of the nourishing ingredients you need for a 4 or 7-day reset, and with this type of program, you never feel -still hungry- after eating.

Learn More

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