One year later, Shorba Bone Broth founder recalls devastating fire at The Comm

VANCOUVER, March. 22, 2024 – Focused on preparing her latest round of deliveries and shipments, Shorba Bone Broth founder Mithalee Rawat recognizes how far her business has come, given how it all burned down just a year ago this month.

On Saturday, March 25th, Rawat returned to The Comm on East Hastings Street from a farmers market at 3 pm only to find the building up in flames. The space, formerly occupied by Uncle Henry’s Restaurant, had been shared by Shorba, Green Coast Coffee, Melt City Grilled Cheese, Mom’s Grilled Cheese Truck, Modern Perogie and Top Rope Bierra. 

All appliances, stored ingredients, equipment, packaging, and supplies had been lost. Adding to the stress of the incident, insurance would not cover the losses because the suspected cause of the fire was arson. 

“I’d started Shorba with all my life savings from working as a cook and had no other funding. I’d almost called it quits right then and there,” says Rawat. 

Before long, GoFundMe campaigns had begun for the businesses, one by Rawat’s sister to help cover the costs of production during a time when Shorba had been on trial with certain retailers and had trade show opportunities coming the following weekend that had already been paid for. 

$15,036 had been raised, and by April 25th, Shorba was back in full production mode with additional help from Rawat’s network, especially her distribution partner, who’d gone above and beyond in sharing their freezer spaces and assisting with the transportation of the product. 

By October, Shorba was proud to announce that they’d been stocked on the frozen shelves of Whole Foods Market locations in BC. Similar announcements regarding Safeway and Thrifty Foods locations came soon after being accepted into Sobey’s Incorporated’s Local program.

Despite originally losing it all, Rawat gives the fire some credit for how far she’s come, acknowledging she had extra reason and motivation to go bigger and better the second time around. 

“I’m so grateful to my family, friends and the community who helped in any way possible with the recovery. The outpouring of love and assistance has never and will never be forgotten.”

Rawat’s current aim is to expand further across Canada but acknowledges it’s going to take consumer backing to get there. 

“We need to show there’s demand where we’re already stocked as our residency in mainstream grocers is essentially part of a trial program. Our permanence in their freezers is dependent on our performance with their customers.”

BC residents are encouraged to visit the store locator at to find a stocking grocer nearest them. 

About Shorba Bone Broth

Made from organic BC-farmed bones and an Ayurvedic blend of spices, Shorba Bone Broths are available in chicken and beef flavours. They are also free from gut-irritating ingredients such as garlic and onions for a gentle, nourishing experience in feeding and healing your digestive system.

© 2023 Shorba Broth Bar. All rights reserved.