Your Goal-Based Guide to Enjoying Shorba Bone Broth

One of our most frequently asked questions is, “When is the best time of day to enjoy bone broth?” While there is really no “wrong” time to pour a cup or bowl of broth, there are times when it may be of better assistance based on your health goals or routines. 

Here are our recommendations, sorted by goals and wellness reasons you’ve told us you take broth for.

Improving General Health

One of our favourite things about bone broth, besides its overall wellness benefits, is how deliciously versatile it is. Being enjoyable on its own or poured into nearly any recipe, it’s just such an easy health assist to integrate into our daily routines without much disruption or added effort. 

Packed with essential nutrients and amino acids, bone broth is nourishing for your body any time of day. That said, incorporating broth into your morning routine yields the most optimal benefits, especially when consumed on an empty stomach first thing after getting up. 

Reducing Aches & Pains

Indulging in Shorba Bone Broth provides your body with a natural boost of collagen, allowing for improved mobility, flexibility and physical recovery from training, exercise or injury. You may also experience fewer symptoms of general stiffness, joint pain or muscular discomfort. 

Whether you’re getting yourself pumped up for a session at the gym, an exercise class, activity outside or preparing for a physical therapy appointment, we suggest consuming a serving of bone broth at least an hour before.

This timing allows for improved potential of added joint flexibility, decreased inflammation, and increased muscle growth (or decreased muscle waste). 

Improving Skin Health

Not only does the collagen found in our beef and chicken bone broths reduce muscle aches and joint pain, but it also acts as a building block for your connective tissue. This is the tissue that makes up not only your cartilage but also your skin, hair and nails. 

Similar to when enjoying broth for overall wellness, your skin and other tissues get the best results from bone broth when consumed in the early morning with an empty belly. 

Better Digestion and Gut Health

Allowing for a more trigger-free experience for even the most sensitive guts, Shorba Bone Broths are made onion and garlic-free. They’re also rich in protein and minerals plus an Ayurvedic blend of spices to further support the rest and recovery of your digestive system.

For best results in improved gut health and digestion, integrate bone broth into your mornings, preferably on an empty stomach to best absorb its nutrients and amino acids. 

Improving Focus, Sleep and Mental Health

Incorporating Shorba Bone Broth into your daily regimen provides your system with a natural source of glycine, a neurotransmitter that plays a vital role in regulating both inhibitory and excitatory functions in the brain.

Neurotransmitters act as messengers, facilitating communication between the body and mind. Glycine, for example, can transmit signals of either stimulation (excitatory) or relaxation (inhibitory).

Its capabilities in signalling relaxation allow reduced anxiety, quieting of the voiced thoughts in your head, plus an enhanced ability to unwind and drift into sleep. Furthermore, it is known to enhance sleep quality and alleviate symptoms of fatigue or insomnia.

For improved sleep, we recommend consuming broth at least an hour before your desired bedtime. 

To take advantage of its excitatory signals and benefits, improving your mood, memory and focus, enjoy your broth as your first meal or mug in the morning.

Suggested Reading: Glycine and Getting a Better Night’s Sleep

Additional Time Recommendations 

For Injury/Pain Recovery, Exercise or Physiotherapy: 1 hour before physical activity.

Suggested Reading: Why You Should Take Bone Broth for Joint Pain

For Postpartum Recovery & Tissue Repair: First thing in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, and/or one hour before bed for rest assistance. 

Post-Op Routine & Recovery: First thing in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach.

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