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The Role of Diet in Gut Health

The Role of Diet in Gut Health

Amid our busy lives, we all do our best to take care of our various categories of health, especially the ones we and others can see. For example our mental health, skin and hair health, physiological (fitness) health.

But there’s one bodily health leader that serves as a Central Station to all of the above, harnessing influence over our activity, mood, nutrient distribution and overall well-being, and that’s our gut health!

With a focus on balance over buzzwords, and redefining diet minus heavy restrictions and growly bellies, we’ll be going over how important gut health truly is and how to best improve it, all without impeding your regular or preferred daily routines. Let’s start with some of our most frequently asked questions from Shorba customers and our health community.

What is the Best Diet to Follow for Gut Health?

While there are a variety of lifestyle, intake and nutrient-specific diets out there that can certainly have positive impacts on gut health, and none are necessarily “wrong,” sometimes the best diet is the one where you simply add balance to what you’re already enjoying or capable of providing for yourself.

Improving gut health, and having a better diet, doesn’t have to mean only eating a limited set of foods, denying all treats or letting yourself feel hungry for hours at a time. You can add nutritional stability to your routine and digestive health simply by including fibre-rich foods in your everyday diet. These can include fruits, vegetables and, of course, Shorba bone broths.

This doesn’t have to be done overnight. Any replacement, or whole food accompaniment, of processed food is another step toward a well-nourished, happy gut, whether routinely or building on the habit week after week.

What Daily Habits Destroy Gut Health?

Habits that negatively impact not only your gut health but also your overall well-being can include (but aren’t limited to) overconsumption or too-frequent consumption of processed foods, sugary foods, caffeinated beverages, acidic energy drinks and alcohol.

These intakes have a significant impact on your digestive microbiome and lining and can contribute to short or long-term issues such as inflammation, upset or painful stomach, blood sugar spikes, high cholesterol and various digestive disorders.

Lifestyle habits away from the kitchen table that can also affect gut health include poor (or lack of) sleep and physical inactivity

What Daily Habits Destroy Gut Health?

An overlooked yet impactful influence on gut health? Guilt.

How many times have you wanted to change a habit, but then you let something slide and felt so guilty, you weren’t as motivated to keep going, or just stopped completely? For some, new year’s resolutions may come to mind. For others, simply trying for generalized goals like “lose weight,” “eat healthier,” “stop eating junk,” “stick to this diet,” etc. 

Before making a change, big or small, for gut health and yourself, remove guilt and shame from the equation. Habits are called habits for a reason; they didn’t become a defined habit in a day, nor are you expected to build anew in a day.

Small steps have big impacts, especially when it comes to taking care of your gut. Take it one snack at a time, one meal at a time, or one replacement/alternative at a time. Restriction doesn’t motivate, respect for your being a human, not a robot, does.

Ready to Reset Your Gut Health?

Click here to browse Shorba’s selection of bone broth options, including our Reset Program. 

In as little as a few days, you’ll feel your energy boosted, your sleep bettered and your gut nourished, full and thriving.

Shorba Bone Broth is made locally in Vancouver, BC, Canada with pick-up and delivery options available. See product pages & checkout for more.
Additional Shorba-shelving retailers can be found here.

Ready to Reset Your Gut Health?
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