Shorba Bone Broth Blog

Shorba Bone Broth is your gut health knowledge blog! Feel empowered to regain your relationship with your gut, today.

Which Cooling Foods to Enjoy This Summer According to Ayurveda

July 24, 2024

Whether you love summer or count down to fall as soon as the temperatures start to rise, the sunny season’s hot ‘n’ humid embrace can leave any one of us...

5 Good-for-You Foods That Are Hard On Your Digestive System

June 28, 2024

At Shorba, we’re all about helping Canadians rest and restore their guts through trigger-free nourishment and resources that get to the root of what’s impacting our guts to begin with...

Bone Broth & Kids: Introducing the Family-Friendly Superfood at Any Age

June 25, 2024

As producers of nutrient-rich, flavourful broths, we’re always looking to introduce new or creative ways for you to add broth to the meals or routines of yourself and anyone in...

Why You Should Make Bone Broth For Your Dog

May 31, 2024

Out of all the questions we are frequently asked in person or by email, one of our favourites here at Shorba would be, is bone broth good for dogs -...

Your Goal-Based Guide to Enjoying Shorba Bone Broth

May 16, 2024

One of our most frequently asked questions is, “When is the best time of day to enjoy bone broth?” While there is really no “wrong” time to pour a cup...

How Bone Broth Can Help Pregnant & Postpartum Birth Parents

May 13, 2024

After our wonderful interview with BC-based Health Practitioner Allison Locke on integrating bone broth into IVF journeys, we wanted to expand on the subject of bone broth and fertility, inclusive...

Spring is Liver Detoxification Season

April 22, 2024

While any season can be filled with imbalances, it’s most common for us as humans to feel off physically and mentally in the winter. While that may not be a...

Why You Should Integrate Bone Broth Into Your IVF Journey

March 26, 2024

Whether you’re contemplating pregnancy or have already begun your journey in fertility, you might be surprised to learn that bone broth can be of major benefit to your process and...

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